Wound Care Conditions
If you’re suffering from a chronic or non-healing wound, you are not alone. Every year, chronic wounds affect millions of people in the United States.
Chronic non-healing wounds may have many causes, including a lack of proper blood supply; trauma; tears, cuts or punctures and other stresses with potential for infection and widespread damage to surrounding tissues. Sometimes, wounds or sores may not get better during the course of conventional treatment. These wounds can lead to severe health risks and life-altering situations such as amputation and other debilitating health problems.
For more information or to make an appointment, call
Consistently Providing Quality Care
Our team of providers are specially trained to treat wounds that have resisted healing after months and even years of traditional treatment. The objective is to treat the wound by addressing the underlying issues, including:
Vascular Disease
Inadequate blood flow by arteries which deliver oxygen-rich blood to the body
Venous Disease
Caused by defective valves that result in a back-up of blood in the veins of the legs
Which may cause vascular and nerve sensation disorders, especially of the feet
Structural Disorders of the Feet
Resulting in excessive pressure on the bony areas of the feet
Lack of Mobility and Bed Sores
Caused by pressure and shearing or tearing forces
Post-Operative/Surgical Wounds
Infections and Tissue Necrosis
Chemical, radiation and fire
Team Approach Promotes Healing
We utilize a team approach when developing individualized patient care plans to ensure that you receive the care and attention you need every step of the way.
- The wound care team communicates with your other medical providers including home health services, specialists and your primary care provider to provide continuity of care.
- Your primary care physician monitors your overall health and may prescribe related therapies.
- You keep your appointments, follow directions carefully and monitor your progress between visits.
Contact Us
For more information or to make an appointment, call