Meet Personal Trainer and Heart Health Enthusiast Sue

 Hi, my name is Sue and I’m a personal trainer at Galter LifeCenter, Chicago's only certified medical fitness center. 

I wouldn’t be a personal trainer if I didn’t love to exercise, which I’ve done my whole life. I also wouldn’t have chosen this profession if I didn’t want to help people with their health and fitness goals. I started regular exercise for aesthetic reasons. As I get older, I’m more concerned with the importance of exercise for my heart health

My family genetics is filled with a history of high cholesterol, high blood pressure, vascular disease and borderline high glucose numbers. I’m a sitting duck for a heart attack, stroke or diabetes. Every year I get older those risk factors get higher and I get closer to having a cardiac event. 

To keep my risk factors as low as possible, and to avoid taking any medications, I exercise nearly every day. Each workout combines cardio and weight-bearing exercises and I mix it up between moderate and high intensity bursts. I rarely repeat the same exercise two days in a row.

Exercise makes me feel better. I have more energy, less stress, I’m more relaxed and I sleep better. Even my oral hygienist is happy that I exercise because my gums are healthy. 

Best of all, my heart rate is strong and regular, my blood pressure is low, my glucose levels are within normal range and my weight is managed. Unfortunately, beginning in my college years, my cholesterol is high, but I’m not on any cholesterol-lowering medication. 

My goals are to stay off medications, maintain all my other numbers within normal range, keep exercising and be as heart healthy as possible. 

Hey, next time you see me working out come and join me, we’ll have fun exercising together. Remember, the only difference between try and triumph is the UMPH! 

Learn more about personal training at Galter LifeCenter.

By Sue T. | Published February 22, 2017
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