Occurs: Thursday, November 07 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM 2024-11-07T15:00:00Z
Phone: 773-878-6888, opt. 3
A free one-day seminar for health professionals to strengthen their skills in caring for clients who have experienced grief and trauma.
This class is intended for social workers, case managers, community health workers and others who are supporting refugees who have experienced the trauma of migration and the many losses complicating their grief. CEUs will be offered for Swedish Hospital.
If you have detailed questions, please call Amy Carlozo R.N., M.Div., B.C.C. # 773-878-8200 x5463
Studies show regular check-ups are one of the best ways to ensure your good health. Sign up today with one of our primary care physicians and get on the road to feeling better and staying that way!
Treat yourself to a healthier lifestyle. Studies show that working out even a few times a week can improve your health and reduce the likelihood of contracting minor ailments. Join Galter LifeCenter and choose a healthier you!