Breastfeeding Class - event details
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9 slots remaining
Breastfeeding Class

Price: $20.00

Occurs: Saturday, February 22 9:30 AM - 12:00 PM 2025-02-22T15:30:00Z

Swedish Hospital, Galter Medical Pavilion, 5140 N. California Ave
Swedish Hospital, Galter Medical Pavilion, 5140 N. California Ave

You will be escorted to the class location.

Register Today!
8 slots remaining
Breastfeeding Class

Price: $20.00

Occurs: Tuesday, February 25 3:00 PM - 5:30 PM 2025-02-25T21:00:00Z

Galter Life Center, 5157 N. Francisco Ave., Community Wellness Center
Galter Life Center, 5157 N. Francisco Ave., Community Wellness Center
Breastfeeding Class

Price: $20.00

Occurs: Saturday, March 15 9:30 AM - 12:00 PM 2025-03-15T14:30:00Z

Swedish Hospital, Galter Medical Pavilion, 5140 N. California Ave
Swedish Hospital, Galter Medical Pavilion, 5140 N. California Ave

You will be escorted to the class location.

Breastfeeding Class

Price: $20.00

Occurs: Tuesday, April 29 3:00 PM - 5:30 PM 2025-04-29T20:00:00Z

Galter Life Center, 5157 N. Francisco Ave., Community Wellness Center
Galter Life Center, 5157 N. Francisco Ave., Community Wellness Center
Breastfeeding Class

Price: $20.00

Occurs: Tuesday, May 27 3:00 PM - 5:30 PM 2025-05-27T20:00:00Z

Galter Life Center, 5157 N. Francisco Ave., Community Wellness Center
Galter Life Center, 5157 N. Francisco Ave., Community Wellness Center
Breastfeeding Class

Price: $20.00

Occurs: Tuesday, June 24 3:00 PM - 5:30 PM 2025-06-24T20:00:00Z

Galter Life Center, 5157 N. Francisco Ave., Community Wellness Center
Galter Life Center, 5157 N. Francisco Ave., Community Wellness Center

Breastfeeding Class

In this course, parents will receive instruction on breastfeeding and learn techniques for success from our board-certified lactation consultants. We offer baby dolls to practice positioning during class if needed. 

Should Partners Attend Too?

Partners are an integral component to build confidence and support and are strongly encouraged to attend this class.

When Should I Register For This Class?

In order to provide quality instruction, space is limited. Please register in advance and plan to take this class during your third trimester.

What is the Cost of the Class?

Cost is $20 per couple. If you have Medicaid or are uninsured and are delivering at Swedish Hospital, please contact our Call Center at 773-878-6888 to attend this class at no cost.

Do you have a Primary Care Physician?

Studies show regular check-ups are one of the best ways to ensure your good health. Sign up today with one of our primary care physicians and get on the road to feeling better and staying that way!

Choose wellness

Treat yourself to a healthier lifestyle. Studies show that working out even a few times a week can improve your health and reduce the likelihood of contracting minor ailments. 
Join Galter LifeCenter and choose a healthier you!