Frequently Asked Questions

Read frequently asked questions below. Published 1/6/2020.

Frequently Asked Questions About NorthShore Partnership

    What will patients notice? 

    Patients can expect the same level of care they currently receive with the benefit of expanded access to specialists. As we work together, patients will continue to schedule doctors’ appointments and receive treatment as they do currently. Once we more fully integrate our operations, there will be an opportunity for Swedish patients to have access to NorthShore providers. 

    Can patients continue to see their current doctors? 

    Absolutely! Patients should continue to schedule doctors’ appointments, receive treatments, etc. as they do currently.

    Will an existing patient’s insurance continue to be accepted at their current providers? 

    Yes. All health insurance contracts that are currently available at either NorthShore or Swedish will remain in force independently within each organization until further notice.  

    Will patient billing processes for medical care remain the same?

    Yes. Invoices will be sent to patients as they’re currently handled. Over time, there may be changes to some processes and we’ll provide patients and staff plenty of advanced notice of any potential changes in the way services are billed.

    Can patients freely move between NorthShore and Swedish physicians and specialists? 

    Based on an individual’s own health insurance plan, this may be possible. However, the two systems won’t be jointly contracting with insurance plans at the onset of the integration. As we work through the planning process, NorthShore and Swedish will gain clarity on opportunities and on managing transitions between our two organizations. 

    What’s the greatest benefit this partnership will deliver for patients?

    As we move forward, patients will notice improvements that come with being part of a larger system. This includes improved access to additional specialties, breadth of services and improved patient experience through state-of-the-art systems and technology.

    Will Swedish continue its community programs and partnerships? 

    Swedish community programs and partners will continue our vital outreach to ensure the health and wellness of the communities we serve.

Media Inquiries

Please send media inquiries to Bill Ligas at 773-878-6888, ext. 8889 or