Pain Management Options for Childbirth

Swedish Hospital is dedicated to helping guide you through pregnancy, childbirth and caring for your newborn. We provide both traditional and alternative pain management techniques and resources.

For more information on the Family Birthing Center, call 773-989-3834.

Alternative Pain Management Options

We recognize that every woman is different. We believe in empowering mothers during the birthing process by following their individual pain-management preferences. 

    Jacuzzis, Birthing Stools, Squatting Bars, Aromatherapy 

    To assist the birthing process and naturally reduce the intensity and duration of pain, every room in our Family Birthing Center comes equipped with a Jacuzzi, birthing stool, squatting bar and aromatherapy. 


    Swedish Hospital is the only hospital in Chicago—and one of a growing number nationally—to offer nitrous oxide as an additional pain management tool for women in childbirth. 

    Decades of worldwide use, clinical research and successful practice have shown that the inhalation of 50% nitrous oxide and 50% oxygen provides safe, fast and effective pain relief in a variety of medical settings, including childbirth. Patients self-administer the medication by choosing how much gas to inhale, empowering each individual to safely and effectively manage the discomfort of labor and post-birth procedures while remaining alert and conscious.

    IV Sedation

    Sedatives may be used to help reduce stress and ease pain. These sedatives may be delivered through an IV to help the medication take effect more quickly and to assist medical staff in regulating the dosage based on the patient’s symptoms.  


    An epidural is a local anesthetic delivered through the small of the patient’s back using a catheter delivery system. Most patients are able to deliver using an epidural with minimal pain while still being able to feel labor-related pressure, allowing them to remain active and attentive during delivery.  

Contact Us

For more information on the Family Birthing Center, call 773-989-3834.